Karol Lipiński Academy of Music

Location: Wrocław

Build year: 2012

Register: 32

Manuals: III/P

Key action: mechanical

Stop action: mechanical

Compass: C-c4 , C-g1

Didactic and concert organ. Furnished with a 3-manual console and two twin windchests. Baroque-sounding Manual I coupled with Manual II, and a Manual III coupled with the Pedal in a swell box with a French Romantic sound.

Manual I

  1. Prinzipal 8′
  2. Holzgedackt 8′
  3. Gambe 8′
  4. Octave 4′
  5. Rohrflóte 4′
  6. Superoctave 2′
  7. Quinte 1 1/3′
  8. Sesquialter 2x
  9. Mixtur 3-4x
  10. Trompete 8′

Manual II

  1. Prinzipal 8′
  2. Holzgedackt 8′
  3. Gambe’ 8′
  4. Octave 4′
  5. Rohrflóte 4′
  6. Superoctave 2′
  7. Quinte 1 1/3′
  8. Sesquialter 2x
  9. Mixtur 3-4
  10. Trompete 8′

Manual III

  1. Bourdon 16′
  2. Flute 8′
  3. Prestant 4′
  4. Nazard 2 2/3′
  5. Octavin 2′
  6. Tierce 1 3/5′
  7. Basson Hautbois 8′


  1. Bourdon 16′
  2. Flute 8′
  3. Prestant 4′
  4. Octavin 2′
  5. Basson Hautbois 8′